In the article “The Politics of Culture”, culture can be approached from two opposing views. One view is that culture comes from above. The media, television, and film are instruments which aid the reproduction of the social system and reinforced it by controlling the imagery and ideas displayed to mass audiences. Suggestively, the ones on top of the social hierarchy are influencing our perspectives from above. On the contrary, another view is to see culture come from below. The below represents energies fundamentally at odds with the attitudes and assumptions of the capitalist social order.
Culture is something that is taught to us. Social ideals are not inherent to us, rather spoon feed to us by our surrounding society. In regards to western culture, these social ideals can be largely attributed to the efforts of the high class. The elite want their status to remain above all others. In order to do so, the social structure must maintain a status quo. Having control over the perspectives of below classes can be a crucial element of the social structure. Our culture is a product of capitalism, achieved through economic and political control from above.