Saturday, October 2, 2010

Images of Women

The scene in Jerry Macquire is a depiction of two different types of women. Jerry’s fiancé, Avery, is presented as straight to the point, business like, and lacking sensitivity. Dorothy on the other hand, the woman who worked with Jerry, was presented as understanding, supportive, and sacrificing. This significant contrast leads me to the concept of “images of women” and how these concepts relate to culture and gender representation.

The “images of women” is predominately dictated by stereotypes. I think this is where the media maintains a strong influence on determining and emphasizing the “images of women”. In a study done by Diana Meehan (1983), it was suggested that representations on television cast ‘good’ women as submissive, sensitive, and domesticated. Women who posses dominate, decisive, rational, and independent characteristics are commonly portrayed as ‘bad’. Yet, when these characteristics in themselves are not necessary portrayed as ‘bad’, just when displayed in women. The two women in Jerry Macquire show this imagery perfectly. For example, Jerry’s fiancé was displayed as the ‘bad’ woman merely through her characteristics and not necessarily any wrongful acts.

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